
Monty Mothman and his Eclipse Pals: Plushies!

Created by Plushpanions

Pre-order items from the Monty Mothman campaign, and help unlock the Dottie Death's-Head Hawkmoth plush!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

🎁 Plush Giveaway #4 - December 1 🎁
3 months ago – Sun, Dec 01, 2024 at 12:15:43 PM

Hey Wild Ones!

This is the fourth of five plush giveaways that will be held to hype up the Monty Mothman campaign. Congrats again to Squishenn, the winner of our third giveaway! 🎉 The giveaways seem to be doing the trick, because we have over 120 followers on the Monty Mothman campaign!! 🎊 Since this is our second to last plush giveaway, I will be sending a notification of this post to those who follow the Monty Mothman campaign, as well as people who follow me as a creator, just in case they missed previous updates!

The previously revealed moth Plushpanion was... 

Dottie ~

 A Death's Head Hawkmoth! Dottie simply can’t help herself when it comes to all things sweet! Her favorite day is Halloween, where she stockpiles her candy for the year… if it makes it that long.

Please review the How to Enter, Rules & Tips below:

How to Enter:

 🦋 On each giveaway update post on BackerKit, respond with your guess of the moth species in the comments.
 🦋 The updates will be posted on the community page and you’ll receive an email notification if you follow the campaign.
 🦋 The first person to guess correctly will win a free plush*! Winners will be confirmed with a "Congratulations" reply to their comment. 


❗ One guess per giveaway round—only your first guess will be counted.
You may only win once—although you can keep participating, only those who haven’t won yet are eligible for the prize.
❗ No hints or guidance, either in or out of the comments section, please.
❗ Keep it sportsmanlike and positive! There are five chances to win, and if you don’t win this time, we have many more giveaways planned for the future. 💚
❗ You must be following the project and me on BackerKit to receive your plush!


  ✨ Overwhelmed by moth species choices? Check out this Kidd Krampus update post for some inspiration! ( or copy/paste: )

*Plush selected from the unlocked designs at the end of the campaign.

Here's your fourth silhouette!

Remaining Giveaway Dates:

📆 December 8

Giveaway Posting Time:

12p PDT / 1p MDT / 2p CDT / 3p EDT / 7p UTC

Please note that I will be posting exactly on time, but there could be a delay on BackerKit's end, since posting isn't immediate. Ensure that you're following the Monty Mothman campaign, and me as a creator, to ensure you get the email notification of when these giveaways are posted! It's also a requirement for securing your plush!

🎊 Winner Announced! 🎊

Congratulations to Laura, the fourth winner of our five giveaways! The mystery moth silhouette is of a Polyphemus moth, specifically, Polly the Polyphemus moth: Polly gets giddy about mapping her adventures into the unknown! Her role as navigator is vital, but she can’t help but play a mischievous trick or two on her traveling companions. 🧭

Thanks for playing!
L 🧸

🎁 Plush Giveaway #3 - November 24 🎁
4 months ago – Sun, Nov 24, 2024 at 12:00:19 PM

Hiya Wild Ones!

This is the third of five plush giveaways that will be held to hype up the Monty Mothman campaign. Congrats again to Ryan, the winner of our second giveaway! 🎉 The revealed moth Plushpanion was... 

Laisy ~

 A Luna or Moon moth! Much like their species name, Laisy loves to stare at the stars and make shapes in the night sky. They treasure the constellations so dearly that they even dress up for stargazing!

Please review the How to Enter, Rules & Tips below:

How to Enter:

 🦋 On each giveaway update post on BackerKit, respond with your guess of the moth species in the comments.
 🦋 The updates will be posted on the community page and you’ll receive an email notification if you follow the campaign.
 🦋 The first person to guess correctly will win a free plush*! Winners will be confirmed with a "Congratulations" reply to their comment. 


❗ One guess per giveaway round—only your first guess will be counted.
You may only win once—although you can keep participating, only those who haven’t won yet are eligible for the prize.
❗ No hints or guidance, either in or out of the comments section, please.
❗ Keep it sportsmanlike and positive! There are five chances to win, and if you don’t win this time, we have many more giveaways planned for the future. 💚
❗ You must be following the project and me on BackerKit to receive your plush!


  ✨ Overwhelmed by moth species choices? Check out this Kidd Krampus update post for some inspiration! ( or copy/paste: )

*Plush selected from the unlocked designs at the end of the campaign.

Here's your third silhouette!

Remaining Giveaway Dates:

📆 December 1
📆 December 8

Giveaway Posting Time:

12p PDT / 1p MDT / 2p CDT / 3p EDT / 7p UTC

Please note that I will be posting exactly on time, but there could be a delay on BackerKit's end, since posting isn't immediate. Ensure that you're following the Monty Mothman campaign, and me as a creator, to ensure you get the email notification of when these giveaways are posted! It's also a requirement for securing your plush!

🎊 Winner Announced! 🎊

Congratulations to Squishenn, the third winner of our five giveaways! The mystery moth silhouette is of Death's-Head Hawkmoth! Dottie has a full set of sweet teeth, and she always knows that there is room for dessert. 🍫

Good luck, and happy guessing!
L 🧸

🎁 Plush Giveaway #2 - November 17 🎁
4 months ago – Sun, Nov 17, 2024 at 12:00:07 PM

Hey Wild Ones!

This is the second of five plush giveaways that will be held to hype up the Monty Mothman campaign. Congrats again to Alicia, the winner of our first giveaway! I wanted to also add that these giveaways have been going extremely well, thanks to you all. Due to your likes, shares, and participation, we are at 99 people following the Monty Mothman & Eclipse Pals BackerKit project! 🎉 This gives us a fantastic leg up on day 1 of the plush project launch. Now, to recap the previous giveaway, the revealed moth Plushpanion was... 

Ronnie ~

A Rosy Maple moth! A fan of all things green and growing, Ronnie loves to plant and nurture. His favorite pastime is watching grass grow.

Please review the How to Enter, Rules & Tips below:

How to Enter:

 🦋 On each giveaway update post on BackerKit, respond with your guess of the moth species in the comments.
 🦋 The updates will be posted on the community page and you’ll receive an email notification if you follow the campaign.
 🦋 The first person to guess correctly will win a free plush*! Winners will be confirmed with a "Congratulations" reply to their comment. 


❗ One guess per giveaway round—only your first guess will be counted.
You may only win once—although you can keep participating, only those who haven’t won yet are eligible for the prize.
❗ No hints or guidance, either in or out of the comments section, please.
❗ Keep it sportsmanlike and positive! There are five chances to win, and if you don’t win this time, we have many more giveaways planned for the future. 💚
❗ You must be following the project and me on BackerKit to receive your plush!


  ✨ Overwhelmed by moth species choices? Check out this Kidd Krampus update post for some inspiration! ( or copy/paste: )

*Plush selected from the unlocked designs at the end of the campaign.

Here's your second silhouette!

Remaining Giveaway Dates:

📆 November 24
📆 December 1
📆 December 8

Giveaway Posting Time:

12p PDT / 1p MDT / 2p CDT / 3p EDT / 7p UTC

Please note that I will be posting exactly on time, but there could be a delay on BackerKit's end, since posting isn't immediate. Ensure that you're following the Monty Mothman campaign, and me as a creator, to ensure you get the email notification of when these giveaways are posted! It's also a requirement for securing your plush!

🎊 Winner Announced! 🎊

Congratulations to Ryan, the second winner of our five giveaways! You all are like LIGHTNING - I didn't expect to see guesses pop up so quickly, I love the enthusiasm! 💚 The mystery moth silhouette is of a Luna moth, specifically, Laisy the Luna moth: Much like their name, Luna loves to stare at the stars and make shapes in the night sky. They take such treasure in the starlight that they even dress up for stargazing! 🌠

See you November 24th, for the next giveaway!
L 🧸

🎁 Plush Giveaway #1 - November 10 🎁
4 months ago – Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 12:00:05 PM

Helllloooo Wild Ones!

Please Note:

I will be sending this first giveaway update to all of my followers, even those not following the Monty Mothman Launch page, to ensure as many people have a chance to enter as possible. However, ALL FUTURE giveaway updates will notify ONLY those following the Monty Mothman & His Eclipse Pals project.  This is to keep inboxes clear of unnecessary information, because no one likes a crowded inbox! Be sure that you are following the launch page to get notifications of updates on the Giveaway days! 

🎉 Let's Go! 🎉

This is the first of five plush giveaways that will be held to hype up the Monty Mothman campaign. Please review the How to Enter, Rules & Tips below:

How to Enter:

 🦋 On each giveaway update post on BackerKit, respond with your guess of the moth species in the comments.
 🦋 The updates will be posted on the community page and you’ll receive an email notification if you follow the campaign.
 🦋 The first person to guess correctly will win a free plush*! Winners will be confirmed with a "Congratulations" reply to their comment. 


❗ One guess per giveaway round—only your first guess will be counted.
You may only win once—although you can keep participating, only those who haven’t won yet are eligible for the prize.
❗ No hints or guidance, either in or out of the comments section, please.
❗ Keep it sportsmanlike and positive! There are five chances to win, and if you don’t win this time, we have many more giveaways planned for the future. 💚
❗ You must be following the project and me on BackerKit to receive your plush!
Follow the project:
Follow me on BackerKit:


  ✨ Overwhelmed by moth species choices? Check out this Kidd Krampus update post for some inspiration! ( or copy/paste: )

*Plush selected from the unlocked designs at the end of the campaign.

Without further ado, here's your first silhouette!

Remaining Giveaway Dates:

📆 November 17
📆 November 24
📆 December 1
📆 December 8

Giveaway Posting Time:

12p PDT / 1p MDT / 2p CDT / 3p EDT / 7p UTC

Please note that I will be posting exactly on time, but there could be a delay on BackerKit's end, since posting isn't immediate. Ensure that you're following the Monty Mothman campaign, and me as a creator, to ensure you get the email notification of when these giveaways are posted! It's also a requirement for securing your plush!

🎊 Winner Announced! 🎊

Congratulations to Alicia, the first winner of our five giveaways! The mystery moth silhouette is of a Rosy Maple moth, specifically, Ronnie the Rosy Maple moth: A fan of all things green and growing, Ronnie loves to plant and nurture. His favorite pastime is watching grass grow. 🌱

See you November 17th, for the next giveaway!
L 🧸

📢 Plush Giveaway Overview! 📢
4 months ago – Fri, Nov 01, 2024 at 06:20:45 PM

Hello Wild Ones,

🎊 If you're new to the crew, welcome! 🎊

And if BackerKit and crowdfunding are old hat for you... welcome all the same! This is the first update for the Monty Mothman plush campaign. While updates may be slow at first, they’ll pick up once the prototype is confirmed and the campaign begins. In this update, I’ll cover what to expect with this campaign and outline the dates, rules, and tips for the five upcoming plush giveaways. 

👋 If We Haven't Met... 👋

Hello, I'm L (she/her) and I run WildnCrafty Designs and Plushpanions. I have been designing and selling digital and physical merch officially for nearly four years, now, but of course I have been drawing all of my life. Last year, I realized that I could combine my love for design and love of plushies into creating my own! Thus, here we are, on Plushpanion #2 and I couldn't be more thrilled to be working on this with you. Thank you for your support! 💚

Please feel free to give me a follow at any of the socials on my "carrd":

✍️ As of Right Now ✍️

I'm working on all the pledges and goodies you’ll receive when pledging to Mothman’s campaign, including some exclusive free pins. The first pin is available to those who back the campaign within the first 48 hours, and another pin will go to backers of the previous Kidd Krampus plush campaign. 👀 You can collect both free pins if you meet all requirements!

Here’s a sneak peek mockup of the Monty Mothman Early Bird stamp pin—see the other pin on our Launch Page!

🕯️ Monty Mothman Plush 🕯️

The Monty prototype is still being refined, as he has a lot of unique shapes, colors, and details to perfect. I can’t wait to share the final look with you once it’s ready!

📃 Campaign Overview 📃

This will be an "Unlocking Campaign," meaning Monty Mothman is our initial funding goal, set at $8,000. Once reached, stretch goals will be added to unlock additional moth designs. Your pledges will consist of general plush orders like "One Plush," "Two Plushes," and so on. Once the campaign is complete and we know which designs are unlocked, you’ll be able to select your plushies through the survey you’ll receive.

For example, if you pledge "Three Plushes" and designs 1-4 were unlocked, you could choose any combination from those designs—three of design 1, or one of design 1 and two of design 3, etc. The design options will be revealed through our mini-event Plush Giveaways!

🎁 Plush Giveaways! 🎁

There will be five plush giveaways, one for each silhouetted character in the Eclipse Pals logo:

Mark Your Calendars! 

Updates will post at: 12p PDT / 1p MDT / 2p CDT / 3p EDT / 7p UTC

How it Works:

 🦋 On each giveaway update post on BackerKit, respond with your guess of the moth species.
 🦋 The updates will be posted on the community page and you’ll receive an email notification if you follow the campaign.
 🦋 The first person to guess correctly will win a free plush*! Winners will be confirmed with a "Congratulations" reply to their comment. 


❗ One guess per giveaway round—only your first guess will be counted.
You may only win once—although you can keep participating, only those who haven’t won yet are eligible for the prize.
❗ No hints or guidance, either in or out of the comments section, please.
❗ Keep it sportsmanlike and positive! There are five chances to win, and if you don’t win this time, we have many more giveaways planned for the future. 💚
❗ You must be following the project and me on BackerKit to receive your plush!


  ✨ Overwhelmed by moth species choices? Check out this Kidd Krampus update post for some inspiration! ( or copy/paste: )

*Plush selected from the unlocked designs at the end of the campaign.

Don't forget to tell your friends, family and local moths! I look forward to sending out more updates as we get closer to November 10th, the first giveaway day. 🎉

L 🌿